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Webinar – Personalizing Content and Dosing of a Physical Activity Promotion Intervention

Webinar (2/25: 4pm ET)Progress in Personalizing Content and Dosing of a Physical Activity Promotion Intervention with David E. Conroy – University of Michigan

Zoom registration:

About the Speaker: 

Dr. Conroy is a Professor and the Bickner Chair in Kinesiology at the University of Michigan where he directs the new Roybal Center for Promoting Adherence to Behavior Change & Enhancing Cognitive Function. His research aims to help people do the ordinary behaviors that have an extraordinary impact on their health and wellbeing. Current projects focus on digitally-mediated interventions to promote fluid intake among patients with a history of kidney stones and physical activity among insufficiently-active young adults. His work is funded by the NIH, NSF, and PCORI. He is a past president of the Society of Behavioral Medicine and an emeritus professor at Penn State University. Lab website:

Talk Abstract: 

The Michigan Roybal Center aims to develop physical activity interventions for middle-age and older adults that engage validated mechanisms for adhering to behavior change following the end of active intervention support. This talk will review our ongoing work (a) to develop person-specific dosing algorithms to select the content and timing of text messages and (b) to engineer prompts for generative artificial intelligence systems to author message content that activates affective motivational processes to promote physical activity. The long-term objective of fusing these personalization strategies is to improve adherence to behavior change and reduce risk for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.