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Designing and Adapting mHealth Interventions for and with Different Population Groups: Examples from New Zealand

September 19, 2022


Robyn Whittaker, PhD
Associate Professor
National Institute for Health Innovation
University of Auckland, New Zealand


About the Webinar:

In this presentation, Robyn will describe the co-design, development and adaptation processes her team have used with examples from a variety of different mHealth programs. These include a text messaging smoking cessation adaption in the Pacific, working with Maori and Pacific communities to co-design a wellness app, developing multiple versions of a family messaging program and a diabetes self-management support program.

About Robyn Whittaker:

Associate Professor Robyn Whittaker is a public health physician at the National Institute for Health Innovation at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. She is also the Clinical Director of Innovation in a large public health service. She has been designing, developing and testing mHealth interventions for nearly 20 years, including smoking cessation, depression prevention, healthy pregnancy/infants, NCD prevention, diabetes self-management support and pulmonary/cardiac rehabilitation programs. She has implemented mHealth programs on a large scale including working with the WHO ‘Be Healthy, Be Mobile’ global initiative to take proven mHealth programs to other countries/territories. She and her team have also adapted their programs for different contexts/cohorts in New Zealand and in the Pacific Islands. More about Robyn Whittaker.

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