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Job Opportunities

Assistant Professorship on “Assessing Innovation in Healthcare” – St.Gallen

The University of St.Gallen (HSG) and its School of Management as well as the School of Medicine are inviting applications for a non-tenure track Assistant Professorship on “Assessing Innovation in Healthcare”. Candidates focusing on the assessment and evaluation methods for innovation in healthcare are encouraged to apply. Possible fields may include the study of healthcare provider processes, the digitalization of healthcare, as well as medical decision making. Candidates should demonstrate a promising record of internationally recognized research, actively engage in the relevant national and international academic community and participate in national and international research projects. The acquisition of third-party funding and knowledge of the Swiss healthcare system is an advantage. Candidates should demonstrate a dedication to teaching excellence, in line with the traditionally high importance of teaching at HSG. Teaching requirements are within the school’s and international standards on all levels (Bachelor, Master, PhD).

The University’s administrative language is German, and speaking the language is an advantage in interacting with local stakeholders. If the successful candidate has no prior knowledge of German, they will be expected to acquire a passive knowledge of the language within two years. Teaching can be conducted exclusively in English.

They seek to fill the position per August 1, 2024, or by mutual agreement. The appointment is for up to six years. Short-listed candidates will be invited to present their research during a visit to St. Gallen in Fall 2023. For further information, please contact Professor Dr. Christian Hildebrand, Chair of the Appointment Committee (

The application should include a cover letter (motivation for the position, description of teach-ing, research, and other academic activities), curriculum vitae, list of publications, identification of two publications that best represent the candidate‘s current research and contact information for two professional references that we may contact if shortlisted for the position. Candidates should submit their application to the President of the University of St.Gallen, Professor Dr. Bernhard Ehrenzeller online via at the latest by September 1, 2023.

The University of St.Gallen is strongly committed to promoting equal opportunities and diversity. They specifically encourage women and applicants with backgrounds underrepresented among their current faculty to apply.