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Santosh Kumar Invited to Deliver Presentations and Showcase Poster at BHI 2023

Conference: IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2023)

Date: October 15, 2023 – October 18, 2023

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Santosh Kumar has been invited to deliver talks during two special sessions and showcase a poster at the IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2023). The talk titles for both the special sessions and poster session are below.


Special Session: Enabling Closed-Loop Technologies for Mental Health: Biobehavioral Sensor Informatics and Just-in-Time Interventions

Sensor-Triggered Just-in-Time Stress Assessments

Special Session: Trustworthy and responsible data analytics for mental health

Emerging Behavioral Privacy Risks in Daily Usage of Wearables

Poster Session

Closing the Loop Using Imperfect mHealth Digital Biomarkers of Mental Health

Digital biomarkers of mental health hold great potential to transform health and well-being by enabling the delivery of digital interventions that are optimized for each user. But, given a lack of objective and unambiguous labels, AI models trained using digital data with such labels will likely remain imperfect. How can we still make use of them to close the intervention loop that can retain users’ trust and engagement over a long period necessary to have a positive impact on their health and well-being?

About BHI 2023:

The IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), sponsored by the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEEEMBS), is EMBS’s primary technical conference on informatics and computing in healthcare and life sciences. BHI 2023 will take place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from October 15-18, 2023. It will provide a unique forum to showcase basic and translational research on big data analytics and machine learning that address challenges in the acquisition, transmission, processing, security, visualization, and interpretation of vast volumes of multi-modal biomedical data, as well as related social, behavioral, environmental, and geographical data. It will also demonstrate the deployment of BHI informatics solutions that integrate key technologies including artificial intelligence, machine learning, mHealth, e-Health, human-computer interface, telemedicine, bioinformatics, sensors, imaging, and public health monitoring, to achieve patient-centric and outcome-driven effective health care. Learn more about BHI 2023:


Santosh Kumar is the Lillian & Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence Professor in Computer Science at the University of Memphis, Director of NIH-funded mDOT Biomedical Technology Resource Center, and CEO & co-founder of CuesHub, PBC. His research team develops wearable AI for sensor-triggered mHealth interventions and to better understand and mitigate new privacy threats emerging from wearable AI. Apps for smartphones and smartwatches and companion big data software for the cloud developed by his team has been used to conduct scientific studies nationwide, producing hundreds of terabytes of sensor data. His team has used these data to develop AI models for detecting stress, stressful conversations, smoking, craving, cocaine use, brushing, and flossing from wearables. Learn more about Santosh Kumar: