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// A Mobile Sensing Software Platform


The development and validation of new multisensory biomarkers and sensor-triggered interventions requires collecting raw sensor data and associated labels in the natural field environment. A software platform for such studies needs to not only support high-rate data ingestion, but also the entire sense-analyze-act pipeline at high-data rate. We present, mCerebrum, a general-purpose mobile software platform for conducting such studies.

Features & Capabilities

  • mCerebrum supports raw data collections from multiple high-rate sensors and real-time assessment of data quality to ensure data fidelity. 
  • It includes a scalable storage architecture to ensure quick response despite rapidly growing data volume. 
  • It provides efficient sharing of sensor data among multiple sources and sinks with flexibility to represent current and future data types while ensuring a high throughput. 
  • It implements the entire sense-analyze-act pipeline for concurrent computation of several multi-sensor digital biomarkers at high data rate by efficient reuse of computations. 

Finally, it has a reconfigurable scheduler that manages all prompts to participants that is burden- and context-aware. With a modular design spanning 23+ apps, mCerebrum provides a complete ecosystem of system services and utility apps. The design of mCerebrum is informed by its concurrent use in field studies at ten sites spanning 106,806 person days.

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Details & Specifications
Platforms, Technologies
Human-Centered Computing,
Computer Systems Organization

mCerebrum Statistics

Running Apps

mCerebrum provides a complete ecosystem of system services and utility apps.

Person Days

The design of mCerebrum is informed by its concurrent use in field studies across ten sites spanning multiple days.