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Events News of Interest

1st ACM Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Computing for AgeTech

The 1st ACM Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Computing for AgeTech ( will be co-located with the 30th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking ( The workshop will be held on November 18, 2024 in Washington, D.C., USA and aims to bring together academic researchers, industry leaders, and government partners to present research and discuss challenges and opportunities at the intersection of wireless and mobile computing, AI and data analytics, and technologies for supporting healthy aging.

By 2060, it is estimated that nearly a quarter of the US population (over 95 million people) will be over the age of 65 and most will have multiple chronic conditions including cognitive impairment or dementia. Wireless and mobile computing has the potential to play a central role in the development of monitoring, assistive and interventional technologies for supporting healthy aging, an emerging area referred to as AgeTech. However, significant technology development challenges exist.

The workshop is seeking research papers, extended abstracts, and demo proposals that describe technologies and approaches that can be brought to bear on challenges in the AgeTech space, as well as papers that highlight novel challenges or gaps with existing technologies. Technologies, challenges, and AgeTech applications of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

Technologies and Approaches:

* earables

* implantables

* wearables

* ambient and remote sensing

* edge and cloud computing

* virtual and augmented reality

* machine learning and data analytics

* large language models (LLMs) and generative AI

* integrated systems and platforms

Technology Development Challenges:

* improving accuracy

* decreasing bias

* improving usability

* improving access

* lowering costs

* enhancing privacy and security

* reducing user burden

AgeTech Applications:

* supporting activities of daily living and independent living

* monitoring physical functioning and personal mobility

* assessing and augmenting cognitive functioning

* enhancing communication and social connectivity

* supporting transportation use including driving safety and use of public transit

* supporting care including remote health monitoring and adaptive interventions


* Research Paper submission: July 19th, 2024 (11:59pm AoE)

* Demo & Poster abstract submission: September 13th, 2024 (11:59pm AoE)


For details on preparing and submitting a research paper, extended abstract or demo proposal, see the workshop website:

For questions regarding MobiCom4AgeTech, please contact the workshop organizers at