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Defining and Obtaining the Right Technology for Your mHealth Project

April 5, 2018


Jon Moon, PhD
MEI Research, Ltd.


About the Webinar:

Biomedical research increasingly requires specialized technologies, such as instrumentation, mobile ‘apps’, and analytics that may not be immediately available. However, many clinicians and health researchers don’t have ready access to what they need. This webinar will look at finding or creating technologies that meet the needs of a project. This includes issues of timing, budget, evolving institutional requirements and expectations around dissemination and data sharing. More about MEI Research, Ltd.

About Jon Moon:

Dr. Jon Moon is President of MEI Research, Ltd. He received his Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from MIT, followed by MS and PhD degrees in biomedical engineering from the University of Texas. MEI develops technology solutions for behavioral and broader health research. More about Jon Moon.

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