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Advancing Implementation Science in an mHealth World

June 28, 2018


Laura Damschroder, MPH, MS
Implementation Researcher
Veterans Affairs Ann Arbor Center
for Clinical Management Research

About the Webinar:

mHealth technologies are effective in some contexts and not others. Why is this and what strategies can be used to help ensure effective use of mHealth technologies? This webinar will introduce foundational implementation science concepts and how they can be used to answer these questions.

Recommended Reading:

About Laura Damschroder:

Laura Damschroder is an Implementation Researcher with the Veterans Affairs (VA) Ann Arbor Center for Clinical Management Research (CCMR) and principle investigator with the PrOVE (PeRsonalizing Options through Veteran Engagement) Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI). As an embedded researcher within the VA system, she focuses on developing methods to advance implementation science with the goal of more rapidly getting evidence-based practices into routine clinical care, especially for prevention of disease through comprehensive lifestyle interventions. Ms. Damschroder is the lead developer of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR), one of the most widely cited frameworks in implementation science. More about Laura Damschroder.

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