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Job Opportunities

Assistant Professor (Team Science Track) Northwestern University

The Department of Preventive Medicine, Division of Behavioral Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine seeks a full-time investigator at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor in the Team Science track. We are seeking expertise in digital health.  We will consider candidates from a variety of backgrounds, including computer science and behavioral science.

The Behavioral Medicine Division provides a unique, multidisciplinary, and intellectually vibrant scientific home for researchers who leverage technologies to develop, implement, and evaluate behavioral interventions to promote health. Current Division of Behavioral Medicine faculty represent psychology and behavioral sciences, computer science, human-computer interaction, and communications.  They apply optimization techniques drawn from engineering, and psychological and behavioral science to incorporate novel technologies to overcome access barriers, reduce costs, and extend the reach of behavior change interventions into communities, health care delivery systems, and the broader population. Faculty have access to rich research resources including the CTSA-funded NUCATS Institute, C3 (the Chicago CTSA Consortium of Community Engagement cores), Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, PROMIS Coordinating Center, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (aka the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago), Lurie Children’s Hospital, Prentice Women’s Hospital, Northwestern Memorial Healthcare System, and numerous Centers in the medical school, including the Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies and the Center for Dissemination and Implementation Science. Robust collaborations also exist with the Evanston Campus, including the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Computer Science, Technology and Social Behavior program, and the Human-Computer Interaction + Design Center.

Qualified candidates will hold a doctoral degree in a relevant field, have substantial experience in digital health, and have a strong track record of scientific achievement demonstrated by peer-reviewed publications, preferably grant funding, and contributions as part of a multidisciplinary team.  Candidates will be expected to establish and maintain an externally funded research program.  Both independent and collaborative research are valued. Team Science Faculty hold full faculty privileges, are eligible for promotion, able to mentor students/fellows, able to submit grants as PI or Co-I, and have numerous opportunities for team science collaborations. Successful candidates will play a role in a growing multi-disciplinary program of research on building evidence-based technology-supported preventive interventions in the health care delivery system and the community.

The start date is negotiable, and the position will remain open until filled.  When applying, please upload a cover letter describing your interest and alignment with the position, a CV, and diversity, equity, and inclusion statement.  Also, upload this completed list of references form to suggest the names of individuals who could write letters of reference on your behalf.