March 18, 2019

David Kotz, PhD
Champion International Professor
Department of Computer Science
Dartmouth College
About the Webinar:
The advent of mobile and wearable computing technology has made it increasingly possible for individuals to wear devices that can sense their physiology or health-related behaviors, collecting valuable data in support of diagnosis, treatment, public health, or other applications. In this talk, we describe two research-grade platforms developed in our lab: Amulet and Auracle. The Amulet platform is an open-hardware, open-software wrist-worn computing device designed specifically for mHealth applications; we provide an overview of the platform and of several applications to research. The Auracle is a wearable earpiece that can automatically recognize eating behavior. More specifically, in free-living conditions, Auracle seeks to recognize when and for how long a person is eating. Our experiments show Auracle can achieve accuracy exceeding 92.8% and F1 score exceeding 77.5% for eating detection. Moreover, Auracle successfully detected 20-24 eating episodes (depending on the metrics) out of 26 in free-living conditions.
About David Kotz:
David Kotz is the Champion International Professor in the Department of Computer Science. He previously served as Interim Provost, as Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Sciences, as the Executive Director of the Institute for Security Technology Studies, and on the US Healthcare IT Policy Committee. His research interests include security and privacy, pervasive computing for healthcare, and wireless networks. He has published over 200 refereed papers, obtained over $67m in grant funding, and mentored nearly 100 research students. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Distinguished Member of the ACM, a 2008 Fulbright Fellow to India, and an elected member of Phi Beta Kappa. After receiving his A.B. in Computer Science and Physics from Dartmouth in 1986, he completed his Ph.D in Computer Science from Duke University in 1991 and returned to Dartmouth to join the faculty. More about David Kotz.