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Quality In, Quality Out: Techniques in Medical Data Annotation

Postponed / Fall 2023


Sina Bari, MD
Director of Medical AI
iMerit Technology

About the Webinar:

Dr. Sina Bari is Senior Director of Medical AI at iMerit, the leading provider of healthcare and life sciences data annotation. As medicine continues to adopt AI technologies, the importance of accurate training data to power ML models grows. During this webinar, Dr. Bari will discuss the strategies, best practices, and trends in providing cost-effective, scaled data operations from a decade of experience in healthcare ML DataOps.

About Sina Bari:

Dr. Sina Bari is a Stanford University trained reconstructive surgeon, medical technology innovator and leading voice in medical AI development. He currently serves as director of medical AI at iMerit where he helps create large scale datasets to power a variety of medical AI machine learning use cases. More about Sina Bari.


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