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Developing and Implementing Behavioral Intervention Technologies

May 16, 2022

David Mohr, PhD
Professor of Preventive Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Appointments in Departments of Psychiatry and Medical Social Sciences

About David Mohr:

David C. Mohr, Ph.D., trained as a psychologist, is Professor of Preventive Medicine in the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, with appointments in Departments of Psychiatry and Medical Social Sciences. He is also the Director of Northwestern University’s Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies (CBITs; Dr. Mohr’s work lies at the intersection of behavioral science, technology, and clinical research, focusing on the design and implementation of interventions that harness digital technologies to promote mental health and wellness. Basic research explores the use of data from smartphone and wearable sensors to identify behavioral and psychological targets that can be used for intervention. Intervention research seeks to design and evaluate novel methods of using digital technologies that can support patients and providers. Services research uses design and clinical science methods to build and evaluate technology enabled services for mental health that can be sustainably implemented in real-world care settings. Dr. Mohr also leads a postdoctoral training program that co-trains fellows in both clinical science and human computer interaction to establish the next generation of researchers who can work across disciplines. Dr. Mohr’s research has been consistently funded for more than 25 years by the United States National Institutes of Health, numerous other federal agencies, and foundations, resulting in over 280 peer-reviewed publications and more than 25 book chapters. More about David Mohr.

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